Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Bikin biodata L.F Via SMS

·         Ka Io
Me : Ka iooooo
Ka Io : Kkeennaappaaaa?? :D
Me : Ndaa, Cuma mo tnya, ka io pe golongan darah, warna favorit, tk dg sd dimana? :D
Ka Io : Ka nintau ka pe golongan darah, soalnya belum pernah baperiksa. Tk rinambaan, sd 21. Warna kuning dg biru :D
Me : Ka lebeh suka warna kuning atw biru? Yah jelas kwa tu dp nama TK.. Mo isi pa de pe blog ;;)
Ka Io : oh ka kira for apa.. Kuning jo de ;D
Me : Oh okok thx ka :D
Ka Io : ok, sama” de :D

Kim Heechul

Kim Heechul. does anyone not know? I think it's impossible, because Heechul is very popular, both with Super junior career and his personal career. He is my dear brother. Heechul oppa born on 10 July (one day only differ with me, 11 July), in 1983. Many things can be proud of a Kim Heechul, why not? Her face was a 'beautiful', a great voice, great dance skills, of course it all is a plus for someone like Heechul oppa.
Huh, now of course is a sad moment for a Petals (call for Heechul oppa fans) like me. Of course, because in September 2011 ago, he announced to his military duties. Who would not be sad to hear it? But never mind, it is

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Ulangan Bahasa Indonesia

Hari Senin, jam pertama sampai kedua waktu sekolah, tanggal 27 Feb 2012 akhirnya XI IPA 5 SMA9Binsus *eaaa* mengadakan ulangan harian B.indonesia. Kenapa author bilang ‘akhirnya’? Soalnya ulangan ini udah ditunda sekian kalinya haha *kasian amat gurunya, elscieve mah fine-fine aja tuh ga ulangan*
Nah, berhubung udah tau apa soalnya *dikasih tau sama Arin, thanks Arin :D* tapi tetep aja ga belajar #dasar jadi deh langsung mikir-mikir entar pas ulangan nulis apa yak? Hehe